I've not been keeping track of skinning issues recently so 3 Questions I'd appreciate feedback about. Question One Are there any plans to format a 'lite' option that would allow for the My Colors subscriber themes to be downloaded by Object Desktop subscribers directly into WindowBlinds as a basic WindowBlind - in the same way as present subscriber offerings are, rather than have the My Colors suite management program? Question Two For a new subscriber, or...
Just occured to check in my Vista snapshot to see if TGA thumbnails were visible natively - appears not. Thumb Plug TGA available from http://greggman.com/pages/thumbplug_tga.htm is an old standby for making TGA thumbnails visible in XP Is this still a preferred option for XP, and what if anything is the preferred option for Vista?
Can anybody please recommend a good Free FTP site? Apparently this is needed in order to upload images to Joe User, when using Windows Live Writer. Thanks for any leads.
Note: Frogboy edited his original post to make it visually easier to read, therefore some of the quotes are from the original draft and not available through the link. This is not intended to be flamebait, just to kick off a friendly discussion. In response to Frogboy's "The changing world of skinning communities" I think had I chosen to post the article around the consequences of entering the wider market, that Frogboy made on behalf of Stardock, and if I believed that the...
It's probably more accurate to think of this as less of a tutorial & more of an introduction to creating SVG’s (scaleable vector graphics) from bitmap images. The first thing to note is that Scaleable Vector Graphics are part of W3C's web standards and if you open one up with a text editor - you'll see they are actually a text file. That’s not to say they can’t be opened and worked with in a graphics program that recognises .svg files. I’ve used Paintshop Pro X...